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Jonathan Zap has worked with troubled youth as the Dean of a South Bronx High School. As a wilderness guide, Jonathan has led inner city kids and other young people on expeditions to remote desert canyons and to the summit of Mount Rainer . He is with us today to discuss the dangers all of us face from those without conscience, a threat only now being realized by the vast majority or humanity. 
                                                                            Site:  Jonathan Zap
MARTIN ZUCKER has written extensively on natural healing, fitness, and alternative medicine for more than thirty years. He has co-authored or ghostwritten more than a dozen books during that time. His latest is Earthing:The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? (Basic Health Publications, 2010), co-authored with Clinton Ober and cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. His previous books include Move Yourself and Reverse Heart Disease Now (both from John Wiley & Sons, 2008), Natural Hormone Balance for Women (Pocket Books, 2002), The Miracle of MSM (Berkley Trade, 1999), Preventing Arthritis (Berkley Trade, 2002), and The Veterinarians’ Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs/Cats (Three Rivers Press, 2000). Zucker has written hundreds of magazine articles on a wide variety of health topics and contributed to Smithsonian, Readers Digest, Los Angeles Times, Cook’s Magazine, Vegetarian Times, Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Fitness, and The National Enquirer. He is a former Associated Press foreign correspondent who worked in Europe and the Middle East.

Site: Earthing Institute