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Dr. Lianne Leedom - Graduate of the University of Southern California (USC), where she obtained her B.S. in Psychobiology and an M.D. degree four years later. Lianne completed advanced training in psychiatry at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Yale-New Haven Hospital. Since then she has been involved in scientific research at all three of these institutions. She began specializing in psychopathy when she encountered it herself. 

                                   To view a list of Dr. Leedom's  scientific publications click on this text.
                                    Information on Dr. Leedom's book, Just Like His Father 

David Lincoln, a former geoengineer consulting for major oil companies who saw the direction of the world in 1996 and quit his job with Enron to return to the United States to work for Green Peace and enforce accountability. David has worked tirelessly for the rights of people to clean air, water and soil and providing tools so you can enact changes in your own local community. 

                                                   Site is Were You Poisoned? 
Mark Lerner, Founder, Stop the Real ID Coalition. From the Stop Real ID website: The fact is Real ID is not dead. There is not a short cut that will allow me to explain  the basis for my assessment. Arguably, it is the taking of short cuts that has gotten us to where we are today. We  listen to sound bites or read short articles that only provide  a snap shot at best of what the reality is.

  Whether it is a lawmaker, state or national  group/organization, or a private citizen there is not a day  that goes by where I am not asked about the Real ID Act 2005. Just this week I worked on proposed legislation that will be heard by state lawmakers from all across the country. I was also asked by a well known national organization to do a comprehensive analysis of the Real ID Act 2005. One state director of another national organization asked me to provide evidence that he could send to the national organization he belongs to who thought Real ID was dead. Finally, this morning I received an email not unlike hundreds of others I have received, where a person whose driver’s license was up for renewal objected to forced biometric enrollment. This person wanted to know what options she has.
    The result of the requests for information led to this document – click here The document is a comprehensive review of the Real ID Act with solutions provided.

Mark Lerner: Co-Founder Constitutional Alliance
God Bless these United States of America, the greatest country on earth and let’s keep it that way!!!
                                                                     Site: Stop Real ID Coalition
Chris Lawton is a long time patriot who was an early supporter of Ron Paul providing major organizing in South Carolina for the doctor from Texas. Today he is struggling to assume the seat as a delegate for Paul to the GOP Convention in Tampa against concerted efforts to stop him.  

Chris is also going to talk about Sure Card, an amazing widget which you keep in your pocket to provide legal services, protection from Identity Theft, access to substantial discounts on medical-related, Credit Counseling, and Savings Outlet, which provides you with links to approved money-saving websites like Best Buy, Advance Auto. There is more, but Chris will tell you about it as we get the low down on his story and the history of the Ron Paul Revolution from 2007 on.