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Donna Andersen, author of the newly published, “Red Flags of Love Fraud,” will be joining us. Andersen coined the term Love Fraud, and defines it as “the intentional exploitation of an individual through manipulating emotions in a personal relationship.” The people who engage in love fraud, she says, are sociopaths. 
Experts estimate that 1 percent to 4 percent of the population are sociopaths. That means there are 3 million to 12 million of them in the United States. Most are not in jail.
Andersen learned about sociopaths the hard way - by marrying one. In two years, this man defrauded Andersen of $227,000, cheated with at least six women, fathered a child with one of them, and then, 10 days after Andersen left him, married the mother of the child. It was the second time he committed bigamy. Andersen's first book, Love Fraud, tells the whole outrageous story.  
Because of her experience, Andersen launched to teach people how to recognize and recover from sociopaths. 
* The top 10 signs of sociopathic suitors (Number One: charisma and charm)
* Why anyone is vulnerable - especially powerful women
* How sociopaths use love bombing to seduce their targets
* Why there's no such thing as 'just sex.'
* Three steps everyone can take to protect themselves from love fraud
Andersen bases her information on what happened to her and thousands of Lovefraud readers. Her website draws 50,000 unique visitors a month, and she has collected 3,000 cases. Andersen also conducted two Internet surveys, each with more than 1,300 respondents, to gather data about sociopathic relationships. 
This book provides a clear explanation of social predators, how they seduce their targets, why it's so difficult to escape the relationships, and how people can avoid them in the first place. It is a must-read for anyone looking for a partner and anyone who is mystified by the partner they have.
                                                                                                                                            Site: Love Fraud